- Prevent altitude sickness by staying hydrated
- If a fire alarm is engaged, you must exit the building immediately
- If it begins to rain or hail, take coverage in the nearest building or under a protected bus stop
- In case of a flood, seek high ground
- Exterior fire tower doors are emergency exits only and an alarm will sound if opened
- In case of a tornado, go to the basement or if outside, a low lying area
- Always be safe when operating a vehicle, bicycle, motorcycle, or scooter.
Additionally, the CSU on-campus medical center offers a primary care and an urgent care clinic for summer guests. They have expertise from older adults to pediatrics and are able to directly bill most health insurance companies.
CSU Health and Medical Center (CSUHN): 151 West Lake St., Fort Collins, CO 80523-8031 (970) 491-7121 In the event of an emergency, dial 911.